
Did you know: Botox®and dermal fillers can be injected by ANYONE?
Scary Isn't it? The Non-surgical cosmetic treatment industry is often depicted by the press as a minefield of myths, scandals, scare stories and exaggerated stereotypes that make it seem like an impos...

How To Stop Excessive Sweating
Whether you’re regularly placed in stressful situations that cause you to perspire, or you suffer from random, uncontrolled outbreaks of perspiration, excessive sweating can be embarrassing and can ...

Illegal Buttock Injections on the Rise in the US
A women from Newmarket, Ontario pleaded guilty last week to eight counts of aggravated assault after giving clients illegal buttock injections. Marilyn Reid, 48, advertised botulinum toxin injections ...

Everything You Need-to-Know About Dermal Fillers
The Lowdown on Dermal Fillers If you've been scouring the internet trying to decide on the best treatment for the signs of ageing, chances are you've stumbled across dermal fillers. You're probably aw...

Non-Surgical Home Treatments – A Risk Worth Taking?
Here at Save Face we only accredit non-surgical cosmetic practitioners who have been vetted by clinically experienced nurses according to our strict Save Face best practice guidelines. If you opt for ...

Why Choose Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures?
Why Choose Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures? If you want to improve your appearance, but are unsure about surgery and all the risks that come with it, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure could be the an...

What is Excessive Hair Growth and How do you Treat it?
Excessive Hair Growth Excessive hair growth is a problem that can affect men, women and even children, and sufferers can find it difficult to deal with. What’s considered a ‘normal’ amount of bo...

Does TV Trivialise Non-Surgical Procedures?
Over the past few years, there’s been an onslaught of TV programmes detailing the ins and outs of the cosmetic industry. From factual documentaries to farcical reality shows, it’s becoming difficu...