
What is a Non-Surgical Nose Job?
The size and shape of your nose can have a big effect on your overall appearance. It’s the central feature of your face, and if it’s not in proportion or is hooked or bent, your self-confidence ca...

Desirial Vaginal Rejuvenation: Before and After
At Save Face, we believe good work deserves recognition, so we’ve decided feature some of our accredited clinics in order to highlight their excellent standards. This month we are exploring the many...

How to Reduce the Signs of Ageing on Your Lips
Whilst it’s your mouth that does the talking, the last thing you want it to do is give away your age, but unfortunately that’s something it’s more than capable of doing. Reduced lip volume, dry ...

Reduce the Signs of Ageing on Your Hands
If you’ve managed to ward off the signs of ageing from your face, then having your true age revealed by the state of your hands can be frustrating to say the least. Along with crow’s feet and grey...

Botox: All the Need to Know Facts
Did you know? Botox is fermented by the bacteria (clostridium botulinum) that cause botulism. In its native, unrefined form, if swallowed, the toxin can cause Botulism, which is fatal. You cannot get ...

How to Deal with Acne as an Adult
It’s an unfortunate fact that for many people, acne and the pain and embarrassment that it brings with it isn’t always left behind with their teenage years. Adult acne is a problem that affects pe...

How to Get Rid of Scars
Going through an operation or having an accident can be traumatic enough without having to worry about being left with permanent scars. Whether the result of a few stitches, acne, or perhaps more sign...

What is a Non-Surgical Eye Lift?
Next in our ‘What Is?’ blog series, we’re turning our attention to the non-surgical eye lift. The eyes are often the first place to really be affected by the signs of ageing. From loose, droopy ...