Search results for keywords: ashton collins

We asked the public whether Covid-19 would deter them from undergoing non-surgical cosmetic treatments and if not what safety measures they would expect to be in place once clinics re-open. Out of th...

In the past 12 months Save Face have seen an alarming increase in the number of complaints regarding treatments carried out on girls under 18 who have suffered complications and adverse reactions afte...

Four watchdogs are investigating sellers of ‘skinny jabs’ after being alerted by The Sunday Times The medicines regulator has started an investigation into companies selling “skinny jabs” as a...

Save Face Director Ashton Collins Talks to BBC News about why fillers and Botox should be made illegal for anyone under the age of 18. The bill comes after Save Face and The Sun joined forces to campa...

People all over the UK undergo non-surgical treatments like fillers every year, but the industry operates almost completely unchecked. Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are everywhere. You might have s...

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