We are committed to ensuring public safety openness and transparency in our complaints process. As part of that, we publish information about decisions arising from complaint investigations regarding our members.
All complaints regarding Save Face registrants are managed in accordance with the Save Face Complaints Policy. As defined within the policy, each complaint is categorised as either; low, medium or high risk. The complaints defined as medium and high risk may result in action being taken by Save Face which may include issuing sanctions on a practitioner's registration status, suspending them from the register or removing them from the register permanently.
This publication policy will apply to all Save Face Accredited Practitioners. We will publish our decisions in two categories:
Category 1 - Medium Risk Complaints
Following the standard procedure, if a complaint is identified as medium risk the Clinical Director will issue a warning and notify the Registrar.
Warning/ Interim Sanctions
- A warning will require a written undertaking from the registrant to comply with any recommendations, and the registrant will be monitored for a period set by the Clinical Director and agreed by the Registrar.
- The annual renewal assessment will include a detailed review and require confirmation that the recommendations have been implemented.
- At the conclusion of the period set by the Complaints Panel, the Clinical Director will review and determine whether the recommendations have been met and the warning can be expired.
You can view registrants who currently have active warnings/ sanctions below.
Category 2 - High-Risk Complaints
The registrar may determine to instigate an interim suspension pending the outcome of either a Statutory Registers investigation or the Complaints Panel decision. High-Risk complaints will be referred to the statutory register and the Complaints Panel. All Save Face registrants are regulated healthcare professionals whose statutory bodies have their fitness to practice processes. Save Face will not duplicate the due process conducted by a statutory register. Save Face will share all information and evidence required by the statutory register and may serve as a witness. On completion of any investigation or hearing with a statutory register, the complaints panel will be provided with a report. If a registrant is struck off a statutory register they will be automatically removed from the Save Face register.
Pending any outcome from a statutory register, and where the complaint has been categorised as high risk, the case will be anonymized and presented to the Complaints Panel for a consensus decision. The panel will consider the evidence and determine whether to: impose an interim suspension or removal.
You can view registrants who have been removed from the Save Face Register following a fitness-to-practice hearing below.