Cryolipolysis (Fat freezing) non-surgical fat reduction


First reported in 2008, so a relatively new technology. The term refers to the destruction of fat cells by freezing.It is ideal for removing limited amounts of body fat particularly on the stomach, flanks, thighs and back. Cryolipolysis may be used in combination with other treatments to achieve optimum results.

A section of the skin is sucked into a ‘cup’ using vacuum pressure. The walls of the cup have cold plates which maintain contact with the skin for up to 60 minutes, at a temperature maintained at -4 to -7 degrees centigrade. More than one ‘cycle’ may be required to achieve the desired results. A patient may undergo a number of treatments in a single session on different body areas, each taking approximately 60 minutes. Results are achieved gradually over a period of 4-6 weeks in most cases. In some cases more than one treatment on the same area may be required at 3 monthly intervals. Follow up at 3 month intervals or as recommended by the clinician..

Best for stubborn pockets or rolls of fat, stomach, back, flanks, thighs and arms. Not for general weight loss.

When the device is removed, the treatment area will be solid and have taken on the shape of the treatment ‘cup’. This will be massaged by the clinician and returns to normal shape within minutes. The skin will be pink or red, there may be aching, spasms, tenderness and altered sensation for the first few days, but normal activities can be resumed immediately. Up to 55% fat reduction has been achieved, but 25%-35% is a realistic goal.

There are a number of medical conditions and or medicines that may affect the decision to treat or the treatment plan. A full medical history and assessment of your expectations is necessary in advance of any decision to treat. Not suitable if you;

  • are pregnant or breast feeding
  • have circulation disorders
  • have diabetes
  • have skin infections or chronic skin conditions
  • suffer from rashes in the cold
  • if you are taking Roacutane (Isotretinoin for acne)
  • undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer
  • are taking steroids
  • have Reynauds disease or peripheral vascular disease.

Fat freezes before the skin does, so there is little risk of damage to the skin (none reported with the FDA approved CoolsculptTM device). Side effects include, but may not be limited to;

  • redness
  • pain
  • bruising
  • altered sensitivity/sensation

All the above are temporary and expected to resolve within a few days, may persist for up to 25 days.

  • uneven result, which may be permanent

This treatment is not a substitute for a healthy, calorie controlled diet and exercise. Those fat cells destroyed are gone permanently, but weight gain will occur if calorie intake exceeds needs.

As the skin is cooling to the desired temperature there may be some discomfort before it becomes numb.

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