Under 18 Campaign

The Telegraph: Social Media Ads Selling Cosmetic Surgery to Teenage Girls Could be Banned
Social media ads selling cosmetic surgery to teenage girls could be banned ASA launching consultation on proposed prohibition of adverts for cosmetic procedures aimed at under 18s Advertisements on so...

BBC Politics South East - Lip Filler Ban For Under 18's
As the number of people seeking cosmetic treatments under the age of 18 continues to rise, Save Face Director Ashton Collins talks about why legislation is needed to protect young people from being ex...

BBC The One Show - 17 out of 23 Treatment Providers Offered Lip Fillers to a 15 Year Old
In the past 12 months Save Face have seen an alarming increase in the number of complaints regarding treatments carried out on girls under 18 who have suffered complications and adverse reactions afte...

Save Face Campaign Success - Parliament Bill to Ban Under 18's From Having fillers & Botox
Save Face Director Ashton Collins Talks to BBC News about why fillers and Botox should be made illegal for anyone under the age of 18. The bill comes after Save Face and The Sun joined forces to campa...

Revealed: Lip Fillers Are Being Offered to Children in the UK
Ninety percent of practitioners in London and Essex aren’t asking children their age before booking them in for lip fillers – and none required a child’s ID for a consultation. People all over t...

Evening Standard: Teens ‘need shielding from Botox ads on social media’
SOCIAL media bosses are facing calls to clamp down on unofficial adverts targeting young women with multi-buy cosmetic surgery procedures. Save Face, a government-approved register of accredited pract...

Petition to Protect Children From Being Targeted by Images Promoting Cosmetic Procedures on Instagram
Save Face ,the Government approved register of accredited practitioners is launching a petition with the Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors to urge the UK government to require Instagram to do more to protec...