How To Guides

How to Get Rid of Moles
Those with moles either love or hate them. Some see them as ‘beauty spots’, marks of individuality that should be celebrated, whereas other see them as blemishes and find them a constant source of...

Making the Most of Your Thirties – Procedures for Rejuvenation
Act Your Age As we mentioned in last month’s blog post ‘Making the Most of Your Twenties – Procedures for Prevention’, the best approach to warding off the signs of ageing depends significantl...

Fight the signs of Ageing in Your Forties
Hitting forty can be a shock to the system – but this transitional decade doesn’t have to mean you fall victim of the unwelcome signs of ageing. Whether you have a well-established skincare regime...

Making the Most of Your Twenties – Procedures for Prevention
Age-Dependent Action Depending on your age group, what you’re looking for in a non-surgical cosmetic procedure is likely to be different. From preventative measures to procedures that will repair da...

How to Get Rid of Acne and Spots
What is acne? Acne is an extremely common skin condition that affects many people at some point or another in their lives. It causes a wide variety of spots to develop on the skin, ranging from superf...

Failing to Plan Means Planning to Fail - Bridal Beauty on the Run-Up to the Big Day
Most women have dreamt of the day they’ll walk down the aisle to wed their very own Prince Charming since they were still in pigtails. They’ve thought of every detail; the ring, the flowers, the c...

Hello! Magazine Names Save Face as THE GO TO Place for Safe Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments
These days, it seems everyone is at it: a little baby Botox here; a sprinkling of filler there. And with celebrities finally coming clean about having these “minor procedures”, they have becom...

Anti-Ageing – How Your Lifestyle Is Making You Look Older
Whilst we at Save Face are primarily concerned with the proper regulation of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, we also think it’s important to share our expertise on all things health and beauty rel...