Hand Rejuvenation

BBC - The 'Zoom Boom' - Why Are So Many People Wanting Cosmetic Treatments?
Zoom calls have led to a huge increase in people wanting to change the way they look and the demand for non-surgical cosmetic treatments is greater than ever. Unfortunately, as the demand increases as...

Reduce the Signs of Ageing on Your Hands
If you’ve managed to ward off the signs of ageing from your face, then having your true age revealed by the state of your hands can be frustrating to say the least. Along with crow’s feet and grey...

Flourish in Your Fifties – Procedures for Ageing Gracefully
It’s 2015 and we’re more health-conscious than ever, and as a result of this fifty is no longer considered ‘over the hill’. With fantastic role models such as Julianne and Demi Moore, Elle McP...